Diamond Wires for Marble Quarries
It is used in Marble Quarries, Beige, Travertine, Marble, White Marble, Dolomite and Emperador fields.
Este Saws
It is generally used in the diameter range of 400 – 600 mm. A stepped stem is recommended for diameters of 500 mm and above. It is recommended to use stepped bladed saws in order to work smoothly on hard and abrasive rocks such as granite, basalt, andresite.
Diamond Wires for Iron and Concrete
Rubber coated diamond wires are preferred for ferrous concrete
Horizontal Split Saws
It divides the thickly cut plate in half. Diameters between 600 – 950 mm are used.
Trimming Saws
The measurement precision of marble slabs is provided by this machine. Generally, 300-350 mm diameter saws are used. The difference from head cutting saws is that there are 4 holes around the belly button.
Domestic / Italian Powder Polish
Types: Local Powder Polish – Italian Powder Polish – Tinoxide
Packaging Shape: 1kg – 5kg – 25k
Liquid Polish / Wet Effect / Water Repellent
Sold in 1kg tins. There are 20 pieces in each box.
Diamond Wedge / Claw
Diamond Wedge is used on marble, granite, concrete floors, in floor cleaning machines to correct the level difference and remove the teeth. Sold as a set of 3. Elmas Claw is used as a caliber in polishing machines in marble factories / workshops.
Bagel Polishing Stones
It is used in floor grinding machines to wear marble, granite, tile, mosaic grinding stones. There are 5 pieces in 1 box.
Wedge Erasing Stones
It is used in floor grinding machines to wear marble, granite, tile, mosaic grinding stones. Sold as a set of 3. There are 12 Sets and 36 Pieces in 1 box.
Claw Erasing Stones
It is used in polishing machines in marble factories and workshops. Their numbers are up to 36 – 46 – 120 – 180 – 220 – 280 – 320 – 360 – 460 – 600 – 800 – 1000 – 1200. There is also a polishing stone.